In Sheeps Clothing
Book Review
Best-selling author and psychologist, George Simon, educates in an entertaining and informative way about manipulative people and their way of thinking. This book can help in both business and personal situations, and I’d especially recommend it for people working in the HR sector.
The book works as a guide to recognise personality types, especially those that undermine relationships — the employee who openly questions every decision using sarcasm and other tools and tactics without being openly objective; the employee who undermines your work and decisions while openly appearing to be helpful; the people in your life that constantly seem to cause issues, and yet you are the one that ends up feeling guilty when dealing with the situation. It also details how manipulators think and the behavioural traits they use to exploit, manipulate and deceive others in order to get what they want. The book also details the various types of aggression, including the passive aggressor, probably the most difficult to deal with.
This book’s a great read and resource and well recommended to people who are, or have been in, an abusive relationship; this will help them to see this behaviour for exactly what it is. As I pointed out above, anyone in the HR sector would benefit from having this book in their office, as would any middle managers and owners of SMEs.